Max van der Stoel Award 2014: speeches
Speeches delivered during the Max van der Stoel Award ceremony, 2 October 2014.
- Opening speech by Astrid Thors, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, at the Max van der Stoel Award 2014The Max van der Stoel Award 2014 was presented to Spravedlivost, a human rights NGO from Kyrgyzstan, during a ceremony in The Hague, 2 October 2014. The Max van der Stoel Award is presented every two years to a person, group or institution for extraordinary and outstanding achievements in improving the position of national minorities in the OSCE participating States.Video Clip
- Speech by Frans Timmermans, Foreign Minister of the Netherlands, at the Max van der Stoel Award 2014The Max van der Stoel Award 2014 was presented to Spravedlivost, a human rights NGO from Kyrgyzstan, during a ceremony in The Hague, 2 October 2014. The Max van der Stoel Award is presented every two years to a person, group or institution for extraordinary and outstanding achievements in improving the position of national minorities in the OSCE participating States.Video Clip
- Speech by Spravedlivost Director Valentina Gritsenko and Senior Lawyer Utkir Dhzabbarov, winners of the Max van der Stoel Award 2014The Max van der Stoel Award 2014 was presented to Spravedlivost, a human rights NGO from Kyrgyzstan, during a ceremony in The Hague, 2 October 2014. The Max van der Stoel Award is presented every two years to a person, group or institution for extraordinary and outstanding achievements in improving the position of national minorities in the OSCE participating States.Video Clip
- Speech by Mira Karybaeva, representative of the Presidential Administration of Kyrgyzstan, at the Max van der Stoel Award 2014Speech by Mira Karybaeva, Head, Department of ethnic, religious policies and interaction with civil society, Presidential Administration of Kyrgyzstan, at the Max van der Stoel Award 2014.Video Clip