Spravedlivost receives Max van der Stoel Award 2014 for improving position of national minorities in OSCE area

THE HAGUE, 2 October 2014 – Spravedlivost, a Kyrgyzstan-based NGO, was today presented with the Max van der Stoel Award for its work to improve the position of national minorities in the OCSE area.
“In its 20 years of existence, Spravedlivost, working in the city and region of Jalal-Abad, has earned a strong reputation for its work in advocating and defending human rights in southern Kyrgyzstan,” said OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors.
“With its commitment to working with vulnerable groups and individuals, Spravedlivost, which means ‘justice’ in Russian, has demonstrated time and again its dedication to the pursuit of justice, fairness and truth. The organization has lived up to its name.”
Presenting the prize, Foreign Minister of the Netherlands Frans Timmermans, recalled his own experience in working for the High Commissioner on National Minorities. “I know about the tireless work that goes on behind the scenes to protect minorities. I know from my own experience in the office of the High Commissioner that it is better to speak quietly. I know from personal experience that the High Commissioner cannot do this job all by herself. It is important to have local individuals and organizations working in support of her objectives. My country set up the Max van der Stoel Award to recognize and support their contributions.”
“Spravedlivost has made an impressive contribution, and it knows from experience that such work is not without risks and setbacks,” he added.
On receiving the Award, Valentina Gritsenko, Spravedlivost’s Director, thanked the OSCE for its support. “We are very grateful to the countries of the OSCE, which give us all possible assistance in implementing our projects with the aim of facilitating the construction of a democratic society in Kyrgyzstan and strengthening the rule of law.”