OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

2009 winner

Margarita Aradzhyonia (l) and Oleg Smirnov (c) collect the Max van der Stoel award from Dutch Minister for European Affairs Frans Timmermans (r) for Ukrainian NGO Integration and Development Centre for Information and Research, The Hague, 14 October 2009. (OSCE/Arnaud Roelofsz) Photo details
Integration and Development Centre for Information and Research from Ukraine won the 2009 Max van der Stoel award. Since its founding in 1997, this NGO has trained government officials and members of the police service in diversity management, monitored the press for hate speech, assisted formerly deported peoples and engaged in conflict prevention at the local level. Together with the Renaissance Foundation, the IDC has introduced a discretionary course entitled “Culture of Good Neighbourhood” in Crimean schools.