HomeResourcesPresentations from the Experts' seminar on innovative approaches to combating violence against women, Dushanbe, 20-22 October 2008
Presentations from the Experts' seminar on innovative approaches to combating violence against women, Dushanbe, 20-22 October 2008
Presentation by Andrej Andrej Sinelnikov, ANNA - National Center for the Prevention of Violence
"Women's Human Rights and Violence against Women: Monitoring as a Tool for promoting changes in the response to gender based violence", Experts' seminar on innovative approaches to combating violence against women, Dushanbe, 20-22 October 2008
Presentation by Scott Cameron and Heather Coady, Scottish Women's Aid
"Voices Against Violence Children and Young People Making a Difference", Experts' seminar on innovative approaches to combating violence against women, Dushanbe, 20-22 October 2008.
Presentation by Yusufi Hairinisso, Chairperson of the Committee on Women of the Tajikistan government
"The main activities of the committee with regards to preventing violence against women", Experts' seminar on innovative approaches to combating violence against women, Dushanbe, 20-22 October 2008.
Presentation by Sonia Chirinos, Spanish Judge for Violence Against Women, Madrid, Spain
"Then and now in the Spanish Procedural System Prosecuting VAW", Experts' seminar on innovative approaches to combating violence against women, Dushanbe, 20-22 October 2008.
Presentation by Ms. Azizova, United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
"Prevention and response to VAW in Tajikistan", Experts' seminar on innovative approaches to combating violence against women, Dushanbe, 20-22 October 2008.
"Upgrading mechanisms of co-ordination between Tajik civil society formations on preventing violence against women", Experts' seminar on innovative approaches to combating violence against women, Dushanbe, 20-22 October 2008.