Confidence- and security-building on agenda at OSCE Implementation and Assessment Meeting in Vienna

The 23rd Annual Implementation and Assessment Meeting will take place in Vienna from 5 to 6 March 2013 to review how confidence- and security-building measures (CSBMs) are being implemented.
Chaired by France and Georgia, the annual meeting brings together experts from the 57 OSCE participating States. It is organized under the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation which is being chaired from January to April 2013 by Liechtenstein.
The meeting focuses on confidence- and security-building in the OSCE region, including the Vienna Document 2011, one of the main measures developed in the politico-military dimension to increase military stability, predictability and transparency. The Document requires participating States to share information on their military forces, equipment and defence planning and provides for inspections and evaluation visits to be conducted on the territory of any participating State which has armed forces within the zone of its application. During 2012, 83 inspections and 34 evaluation visits took place.