HomeResourcesApril 2011 Plenary Meetings of the Forum for Security Co-operation
April 2011 Plenary Meetings of the Forum for Security Co-operation
This is a collection of documents of the April 2011 Forum for Security Co-operation plenary meetings.
643rd Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation
Refusal of a request for an evaluation visit to the Russian Federation (statement by the Delegation of Georgia annexed). Closing Statement by the Chairperson of the Forum for Security Co-operation, H.E. Ambassador Stefán Skjaldarson.
642nd Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation
Request for assistance in improving stockpile management and security at the small arms and light weapons and conventional ammunition storage sites of the armed forces of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Presentation on human rights and crisis management, including the relevance of UNSCR 1325, by Ms. Nina Nordberg, Project Researcher. UK Government National Action Plan on UNSCR 1325 Women, Peace and Security, launched in November 2010 (statement by the Delegation of the United Kingdom annexed). Publication of the third annual report by the independent Service Complaints
Commissioner on 31 March 2011 (statement by the Delegation of the United Kingdom annexed).