XIV Review Conference on implementation of Dayton Article IV Agreement takes place in Vienna

The Parties to the Agreement on Sub-Regional Arms Control, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, the Republic of Croatia and the Republic of Serbia, under the chairmanship of Montenegro, held the XIV Review Conference on the implementation of the Agreement on 5 November 2024.
The Parties expressed their pleasure that the Agreement on Sub-Regional Arms Control has been successfully implemented for almost three decades in the spirit of mutual respect, trust and cooperation. In the course of the implementation of the Agreement, 518 missions were carried out, including a total of 830 inspections with the participation of 1291 assistants and 266 guest observers from the OSCE participating States and the OSCE Conflict Prevention Center.
The Parties emphasized their willingness to take further steps to improve the implementation of and to modernize the Agreement, in order to preserve its relevance in the future.
They emphasized their gratitude to the OSCE Conflict Prevention Center, RACVIAC and the Contact Group countries, as well as to all OSCE participating States for their continued monitoring and support for the successful implementation and affirmation of the Agreement.
They expressed their commitment to continue addressing the issues that can contribute to the further enhancement of the implementation of the Agreement with the aim of promoting mutual cooperation and strengthening peace and stability in South-Eastern Europe.