HomeResourcesJuly 2021 Plenary Meetings of the Forum for Security Co-operation
July 2021 Plenary Meetings of the Forum for Security Co-operation
This is a collection of documents of the July 2021 Forum for Security Co-operation plenary meetings.
983rd Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation
Closing statement by Ambassador A. Papikyan, Permanent Representative of Armenia to the OSCE and Chairperson of the FSC (Russian Federation, Annex 1; Sweden, Annex 2; Switzerland, Annex 3; Albania, Annex 4).
82nd Joint Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation and the Permanent Council
Security Dialogue: OSCE’s role and commitments to prevent and combat terrorism in all its forms – trends and challenges: – Presentation by Mr. V. Voronkov, Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism; – Presentation by Mr. H. Aghasaryan, National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia; – Presentation by Mr. M. Norell, Adjunct Scholar at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy and Senior Fellow at the European Foundation for Democracy, Sweden; – Presentation by Mr. É. Denécé, Director of the French Centre for Intelligence Studies (Turkey, Annex 1, Annex 2; Armenia, Annex 3, Annex 4; France, Annex 5). Financial contribution to the Information Management and Reporting System (iMARS) project for collecting, processing and reporting on exchanged military information (Slovenia, Annex 6). Trinational contact event to be conducted from 5 to 11 September 2021 (Lithuania, also on behalf of Estonia and Latvia, Annex 7).
982nd Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation
Security Dialogue: Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition (SCA): Practical Assistance Mechanism: – Presentation by Lieutenant Colonel N. Luković, Senior Adviser, Department for Material Management, Ministry of Defence, Montenegro ; – Presentation by Mr. W. Kernmaier, Head of Section of International Capacity Building for Weapons and Ammunition Logistics, Austrian Armed Forces Logistics School, Ministry of Defence, Austria; – Presentation by Mr. R. Mossinkoff, Senior FSC Support Officer, OSCE Conflict Prevention Centre (Austria, Annex 1; Russian Federation, Annex 2; Azerbaijan, Annex 3; Armenia, Annex 4; Chairperson of the Informal Group of Friends on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition (Latvia), Annex 5; FSC Co-ordinator for Assistance Projects on Small Arms and Light Weapons and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition (Austria), Annex 6). Situation in and around Ukraine (Slovenia-European Union, Annex 7; United States of America, Annex 8; United Kingdom, Annex 9). Financial contributions to projects in the OSCE area (Austria, Annex 10). Briefing on the military exercise “Green Griffin”, to be conducted from 27 September to 8 October 2021 (Germany, Annex 11). Briefing on the military exercise “Cossack Mace 2021”, to be conducted from 12 to 24 July 2021.