HomeResourcesDecember 2020 Plenary Meetings of the Forum for Security Co-operation
December 2020 Plenary Meetings of the Forum for Security Co-operation
This is a collection of documents of the December 2020 Forum for Security Co-operation plenary meetings.
964th Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation
The Forum for Security Co-operation adopted Decision No. 7/20 on the agenda and modalities of the thirty-first Annual Implementation Assessment Meeting. The Forum for Security Co-operation adopted Decision No. 8/20 on the agenda, timetable, and organizational modalities for the OSCE high-level military doctrine seminar (Russian Federation, Annex 1). Closing remarks by H.E. Ambassador Gesa Bräutigam, Chairperson of the Forum for Security Co-operation (United States of America, Annex 2; Albania, Annex 3; Turkey, Annex 4; Sweden, Annex 5; Russian Federation, Annex 6). Announcing and Reminding Mechanism pursuant to FSC Decision No. 10/02 (Chairperson, Annex 7). 18th Annual Consultation on the review of the implementation of the Document on Confidence- and Security-Building Measures in the Naval Field in the Black Sea, held on 11 December 2020 (Russian Federation, Annex 8).
963rd Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation
Award Ceremony of the OSCE-IFSH (Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy) Essay Competition on Conventional Arms Control and Confidence- and Security-building Measures. Presentation by Brigadier General M. O’Brien, Deputy Force Commander of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, on issues related to UNSCR 1325 (Russian Federation, Annex 1). Discussion on the outcome of the 2020 Ministerial Council in Tirana (Albania, Annex 2; Sweden, Annex 3; Russian Federation, Annex 4). Situation in and around Ukraine (Russian Federation, Annex 5). Financial contribution to the OSCE Trust Fund for the assistance projects on small arms and light weapons (SALW) and stockpiles of conventional ammunition (SCA) and to the outreach programme on the Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security (Germany, Annex 6). Launch of an initiative relating to the assistance mechanism under the OSCE Documents on SALW and SCA (Austria, Annex 7). International military co-operation activities (Serbia, Annex 8).