HomeResourcesOctober 2020 Plenary Meetings of the Forum for Security Co-operation
October 2020 Plenary Meetings of the Forum for Security Co-operation
This is a collection of documents of the October 2020 Forum for Security Co-operation plenary meetings.
79th Joint Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation and the Permanent Council
Security dialogue on the Structured Dialogue: Report by the Chair of the Informal Working Group Structured Dialogue (Russian Federation, Annex 1; Annex 2; Latvia, Annex 3
958th Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation
Security Dialogue on UNSCR 1325 - “20th Anniversary of UNSCR 1325 – Implementation in the OSCE Area and the Way Ahead”: – Presentation by H.E. Ms. S. Baumann, Federal Government Commissioner for Disarmament and Arms Control, Federal Foreign Office, Germany; – Presentation by Mr. P. Koçi, Deputy Minister of Defence, Ministry of Defence, Albania; – Presentation by Ms. J. Sumuvuori, State Secretary to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Finland; – Pre-recorded video messages by Ms. K. Abdysamatova (Kyrgyzstan) and Ms. X. Rivkin (Switzerland), graduates of the OSCE Scholarship for Peace and Security programme (Slovenia, Annex 1; Spain, Annex 2; Romania, Annex 3; Russian Federation, Annex 4; Chairperson of the Informal Group of Friends on Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and Stockpiles of Conventional Ammunition (SCA) (Latvia), Annex 5; FSC Co-ordinator for Matters Related to UNSCR 1325 (Albania), Annex 6). Situation in and around Ukraine (Russian Federation, Annex 7). On the situation in the South Caucasus (Armenia, Annex 8; Azerbaijan, Annex 9). Financial contribution to the Information Management and Reporting System (iMARS) project (Slovenia, Annex 10). Briefing on the meeting of the Informal Group of Friends on SALW and SCA held via video teleconference on 12 October 2020 (Chairperson of the Informal Group of Friends on SALW and SCA (Latvia), Annex 11). Contacts by the FSC Chairmanship regarding the Announcing and Reminding Mechanism (Chairperson, Annex 12).
957th Plenary Meeting of the Forum for Security Co-operation
The FSC adopted Decision No. 5/20 on the dates and venue of the thirty-first Annual Implementation Assessment Meeting. Situation in and around Ukraine (States of America, Annex 1; Russian Federation, Annex 2). Agreement on Sub-Regional Arms Control in accordance with Annex 1-B, Article IV, to the Dayton Agreement (Germany, also on behalf of France, Italy, the United Kingdom and the United States of America, Annex 3; United States of America, Annex 4; Russian Federation, Annex 5). On the situation in the South Caucasus (Armenia, Annex 6; Azerbaijan, Annex 7).