OSCE promotes combatting illicit weapons, ammunition and explosives trafficking in and across Ukraine’s borders

A high-level meeting to discuss key findings of an OSCE-conducted needs assessment on combating illicit trafficking in weapons, ammunition and explosive (WAE) in and across Ukraine’s borders and determine potential areas for subsequent project co-operation took place on 7 June in Kyiv.
Some 30 representatives of Ukrainian government ministries and agencies and the donor community participated in the meeting.
Rasa Ostrauskaite, the OSCE Secretariat’s Co-ordinator of Activities to Address Transnational Threats, stressed the importance of the Needs Assessment as it establishes the baseline for providing technical assistance and institutional support to develop capacities of Ukrainian authorities in their efforts to combat the trafficking in WAE in a holistic way.
“The OSCE is ready to assist national authorities in Ukraine tackling challenges and threats stemming from illicit WAE trafficking. The best way to do this is through mutually reinforced partnerships both at national and international levels,” noted Ostrauskaite.
Lieutenant General Vasyl Servatiuk, the First Deputy Head of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, said “The project collaboration with the OSCE will provide us with the opportunity to promote transfer of international best practices and lesson learnt, augmenting training and technical capacities. It will also enhance sub-regional co-operation and co-ordination frameworks necessary to effectively and efficiently combat illicit trafficking across Ukraine’s borders.”
Representatives of the donor community from Germany, France and Poland commended the needs assessment report and expressed readiness to support development of Ukraine’s capabilities to combat illicit WAE trafficking.
The meeting was organized with the generous support of Germany and France and was chaired by the OSCE Secretariat. The needs assessment was conducted at the request of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, which co-chaired the meeting.