OSCE Media Representative to hold discussions with journalists in Skopje

VIENNA, 10 September 2001 (OSCE) - For 13 September 2001, Freimut Duve, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, has invited journalists and editors for a one day conference on the tasks, the chances and the challenges of free journalism in a severe difficult conflict situation which has the international community forced to be present in order to avoid war.
"Whilst NATO soldiers are fulfilling their difficult task I and our OSCE Mission in Skopje hope to have a very open debate with journalists from Skopje and Tetovo on their task: freedom of the media and responsibility for a lasting civil peace. Ever since the media reaction to the populist and violent speech of Milosevic in 1989 against a huge number of his citizens, we all had to learn what a central role the media are playing between peace and war," Mr. Duve noted. The OSCE Representative will have this discussion while NATO Operation Essential Harvest is still in progress. NATO representatives have also been invited to attend.
After the break-up of Yugoslavia the media played a dual role in the development of the new states. Some of the media outlets, especially those that were independent from the power structures, reported on their respective countries in a responsible manner. However, television and radio stations, newspapers and magazines were established that instigated intolerance against certain ethnic groups and even preached outright "hate speech". These media basically "forged war" in former Yugoslavia. In the past two years, after democratic governments came to power in Croatia and Serbia, the situation has dramatically changed for the better. Nonetheless, the problem has not been completely resolved.
The situation in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia over the past months showed that many journalists felt responsible for the future of their country and tried to report on the dramatic developments in a fair way. But there were regrettable exceptions.
The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media plans to discuss these issues in Skopje and hopefully come to an understanding on the need for responsible reporting at this delicate time.
For further information please contact the office of the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, tel. + 43 1 512 21 45-0, Fax + 43 1 512 21 45-9.