Freedom and Responsibility: 1999/2000 yearbook of the Representative on Freedom of the Media

Preface: Knut Vollebaek
Introduction: Freimut Duve
I Essays on the Balkans - Writing, politics and media: In defence of the future
Ivan Lovrenovic: Five Fragments about Implosion
Baton Haxiu: Kosovo - Where the Dead Speak
Dragan Velikic: Which Way and Back
Branko Sbutega: A Question about Boka, A.D. 1993
II Views and commentaries - Events, challenges and conflicts
Deyan Anastasijevic: A Swallow, Not The Spring
Ivana Zivkovic and Lidija Popovic: Report on the Media in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
Anatoli Pristavkin: Chechnya - a Country at War
Freimut Duve: There is a war going and everyone is watching
Katharina Hadjidimos: The Role of the Media in Greek-Turkish Relations
III Twenty-five years of the Helsinki Process: 1975 - 2000
A Personal Reminder by Roy Gutman
IV Our work - What we think, why it matters - Reflections by staff members
Stanley Schrager: None of Your Business
Alexander Ivanko: Damned if You Do and Damned if You Don't
Hanna Vuokko: Minority Media: The Case of the Swedish-Speaking Finns
Mihaylo Milovanovitch: The Forbidden Language
Katarzyna Cortes: A Child of 'Solidarity'
V Overview - What we have done
The Mandate
Regular Reports to the Permanent Council
Urgent Reports on Current Issues to the Permanent Council
Report to the Standing Committee of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly
Report to the OSCE Review Conference
Projects 1999/2000
Protection of Journalists
The Media in Central Asia: The Present and Future
School Newspapers in Central Asia
Other Projects
Current Media Situation in Ukraine
Visits and Interventions in 1999/2000
VI Where to find those who help:
The media NGOs in the OSCE region
The views, opinions, conclusions and other information expressed in this document are not given nor necessarily endorsed by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) unless the OSCE is explicitly defined as the Author of this document.