Photojournalists need to have full access to public events at the White House, OSCE media freedom representative says
VIENNA 22 November 2013

The White House, Washington DC ( Trevor McGoldrick)
VIENNA, 22 November 2013 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović today expressed concern about restrictions placed on photojournalists covering events at the White House.
Mijatović said she supported the appeal by 38 news media organizations which petitioned Presidential Press Secretary Jay Carney yesterday to change the policy.
While denying media the right to photograph meetings, claiming them to be private in nature, the White House has been supplying photos taken by its own staff of the same events.
“Photojournalists have a right to cover public events,” Mijatović said. “To arbitrarily deny them access to government officials performing public duties strikes at the heart of the public’s right to know.”