Right to free expression continues to apply in digital age, say recommendations from OSCE Internet 2013 conference

The recommendations from the OSCE conference Internet 2013 – Shaping policies to advance media freedom were published on 13 March 2013.
The conference took place in Vienna in February and brought together more than 400 participants who discussed a wide range of Internet freedom related matters, from Internet governance and self-regulation to social media and hate speech.
The recommendations drawn from the conference relate to an inclusive dialogue and knowledge-sharing among participants from governments, private sector, civil society and academia.
“A key principle behind these recommendations is that the rights to free expression and free media fully apply in the digital age and this will continue to apply as the Internet continues to develop,” said Dunja Mijatovic, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media who hosted the conference.
The Representative also said that she hoped the recommendations would help foster freedom of the media on the Internet in all participating States of the OSCE.
The recommendations are available here: //www.osce.org/fom/100112