OSCE-wide Counter-Terrorism Conference 2020
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Terrorism remains one of the most serious threats to peace and security in the OSCE area. The dynamic, transnational and evolving nature of terrorism and violent extremism poses continuous challenges that no state and no society can tackle alone.
At times of crisis, like with the COVID-19 pandemic, terrorist groups seek to capitalize on people’s fear and vulnerability and to spread their narratives and disinformation in order to sow distrust and hatred. Now more than ever the OSCE participating States and the OSCE Partners for Co-operation need to unite in their response to address terrorism and violent extremism and radicalization that lead to terrorism (VERLT).
For 2020, the Albanian Chairmanship has set its priority on fostering effective partnerships to prevent and counter terrorism. Comprehensive action against terrorism requires a strong web of partners, utilising capabilities and expertise both within and outside government and international organizations to better respond to new and unprecedented challenges, mobilize joint resources and react effectively. As largest regional security organization, the OSCE plays a key role in reinforcing participating States’ commitment to co-operate and advance tailored measures to partner against the threats posed by terrorism and VERLT.
This year’s annual OSCE-wide Counter-Terrorism Conference will bring together high-level representatives and experts from governments, state agencies, the United Nations and other stakeholder organizations, the public and private sector, and civil society, in particular women’s organizations, and academia to share their good practices and lessons learned and explore ways to strengthen our partnerships in the fights against terrorism.
Over the course of the two-day conference, participants will discuss:
- International Co-operation in Addressing Terrorism and VERLT
- Building a Broader Community Network to Support the Prevention of VERLT
- Tackling Terrorist Use of the Internet through a Comprehensive Approach
- Enhancing Public-Private Partnerships to Restrict Logistical and Financial Support to Terrorists, and Protect Vulnerable Targets
- Promoting Effective Approaches to Prosecution, Rehabilitation, and Reintegration
Registration deadline: 10 September 2020. To register, please visit: https://events.osce.org/2020-osce-wide-counter-terrorism-conference/registration/Site/Register.
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