Concluding Meeting of the 22nd OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum
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Natural disasters severely affect the security and safety of nations and communities. There is a clear need to foster local, national and international capacities for mitigation and prevention, preparedness, forecasting and early warning for, response to, and recovery from natural disasters. Investing in disaster prevention, developing mechanisms for better assistance coordination, raising awareness of the population and increasing the resilience of nations and communities are topics best dealt with in an integrated, holistic approach to disaster risk management. Hence, the OSCE - with its comprehensive, cross-dimensional security concept - is a good platform to discuss this theme.
The agenda of the 22nd EEF will focus on the impact of the following topics on the comprehensive security of the OSCE area:
- Addressing prevention, preparedness, emergency response and recovery related to environmental challenges- Promoting partnerships and initiatives covering environment and safety issues for greater preparedness for environmental challenges, in particular by increasing resilience and adaptation to these challenges
- Exchanging good practices relating to preparedness, emergency response and recovery regarding environmental challenges
- Promoting environmental good governance.
The discussions at the Forum will contribute to developing a common view on the role of the OSCE, as a security organization, in the whole disaster risk and crisis management cycle and on how to create synergies with other actors in this field.
The Concluding Meeting of the 22nd OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum will build on the results of its two Preparatory Meetings.
Read more: First Preparatory Meeting, Vienna, 27-28 January 2014, Second Preparatory Meeting, Montreux, 20-21 May 2014
Learn more about how both dialogue, and practical action, can help reduce and prevent the risks of natural disasters, in our themed videos below.
Disaster Risk Management
Natural disasters are a fact of life, but often underestimated. How can we increase the resilience of societies to mitigate the threat that natural disasters pose to human life, property and livelihoods?
Field visit highlights
In May 2014, for the Second Preparatory Meeting of the Economic and Environmental Forum, participants travelled to Montreux. They learnt about the experiences of Switzerland – OSCE Chairmanship in 2014 – in managing disaster risk in co-operation with its neighbouring countries.
Aarhus Centres
Giving people a say in decision-making in environmental matters can contribute to raising awareness about natural disasters and lead to sustainable and innovative measures and practices to protect them against the threat. Learn more in this video about the Aarhus Centres.