2nd Preparatory Meeting of the Nineteenth OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum
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The Economic and Environmental Forum is the main annual event of the OSCE's Economic and Environmental Dimension. The event gives political impetus to the dialogue in this area and contributes to the generation of recommendations and follow-up activities. In 2011 the Nineteenth OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum is devoted to the Promotion of common actions and co-operation in the OSCE area in the fields of development of sustainable energy and transport.
The First Preparatory Meeting of the Forum, on Development of sustainable energy, took place on 7-8 February 2011 in Vienna. The Second Preparatory Meeting, to be held on 4-5 April 2011 in Druskininkai, Lithuania, will focus on the Development of sustainable transport. This event will pave the way to the Concluding Meeting of this year's Forum, to be celebrated in Prague on 14-16 September 2011.
The Second Preparatory Meeting will address aspects related to the promotion of sustainable transport in the OSCE area such as the role of policies enhancing innovation and technologies for environmentally friendly transportation choices, the facilitation of international land transport and the integration of transport networks in the OSCE area. Like previous Economic and Environmental Forum events, this Second Preparatory Meeting will gather high-level experts and participants from national governments, international organisations and civil society as well as business and the academic sector.
All meeting documents are now available.