
Key activities include advising institutions on legislation, supporting implementation and revision of their strategies and action plans, and organizing learning courses for law enforcement officials, judges and prosecutors. The courses cover, among others, cyber and financial crimes, corruption, human trafficking, forensic examination, terrorism and violent extremism, drug trafficking, hate crime and domestic violence, and confiscation of criminal assets. Targeted capacity building assistance is also extended to the special police operation units to competently handle threats accompanied by critical incidents and small arms and light weapons.
The Mission monitors the Kosovo Police work for their compliance with international human rights standards and provides recommendations on issues such as use of force, freedom of expression and assembly, and the protection of socially vulnerable groups. It monitors domestic violence cases and police response to such cases, and at the same time, trains police officers on treating these crimes. It works to strengthen the oversight capacities of the Police Inspectorate of Kosovo and the Kosovo Police, with a view to effectively maintain police accountability and fight potential corruption and organized crime in the police force. The Mission also supports the development of vocational qualifications and assists with the accreditation process of the Academy for Public Safety and the Forensic Agency. It helps to develop community policing practices and assists in establishing and enhancing capacities of community safety mechanisms, such as the Local Public Safety Committees and Municipal Community Safety Councils, to improve the quality of life.
The Mission works closely with institutions on improving cyber security in Kosovo. It assists in the development of the legislation and annual reviews of the Cyber Security Strategy and Action Plan and pays an active role in its implementation as part of the government working group. It also facilitates workshops to address domestic and international cyber threats and improve police capacities in preventing and mitigating damage from cyber-attacks.