Media freedom and development

The Mission places pronounced emphasis on expanding media literacy at the formal and informal educational and grass-roots levels and collaborates with key partners, including the Ministry of Education and Science, Kosovo universities, and the DokuFest documentary film festival. It supports media and information literacy initiatives for a diverse group of communities and target groups, and advocates for active dialogue, critical thinking and policy level changes.
The Mission also seeks to improve co-ordination between public institutions at all levels and the media by establishing platforms for mutual communication and developing media engagement and relation strategies. By means of the Media + Public Relations Policy Initiative, the Mission complements media and journalists training programs by strengthening the media and public communication aspects of counterpart institutions, including Kosovo prosecutors, judges, law enforcement, municipal and government level information officials, and civil society representatives.
In striving to mainstream multi-ethnicity, promote gender equality and improve inter-community relations, the Mission works with media throughout Kosovo in order to strengthen its capacities and adherence to self-regulatory mechanisms and codes of conduct. Emphasis is directed on supporting non-majority media and furthering the safety of journalists for the full scope of media professionals working in Kosovo.