16th OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum - part I
28 January 2008 (All day) - 29 January 2008 (All day)

Environmental security is closely linked with water quality and
access to water. (Lubomir Kotek/OSCE) Photo details
Sixteenth OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum / Part I - "Maritime and inland waterways co-operation in the OSCE area: Increasing security and protecting the environment", Vienna, 28 and 29 January 2008
The focus of the OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum in 2008 is "Maritime and inland waterways co-operation in the OSCE area: increasing security and protecting the environment."
We are pleased to welcome you, on behalf of the incoming Finnish Chairmanship of the OSCE, to the website of the first part of the 16th Economic and Environmental Forum. The Forum will take place in Vienna on 28 and 29 January 2008.