15th Economic and Environmental Forum - part II
21 May 2007 (All day) - 23 May 2007 (All day)

Lake Ohrid straddles the mountainous border between the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and Albania, 14 April 2006. (OSCE/Maria Dotsenko) Photo details
The theme of the 15th Economic and Environmental Forum is: "Key challenges to ensure environmental security and sustainable development in the OSCE area: Land degradation, soil contamination and water management".
The theme of the 15th Economic and Environmental Forum is "Key challenges to ensure environmental security and sustainable development in the OSCE area: Land degradation, soil contamination and water management".
The event is the first of its kind in the OSCE to be carbon neutral.
Part one of the Forum was held in Vienna on 22 and 23 January 2007.
Latest news:
OSCE meeting transforms concern about environment security into action, 23 May 2007