Concluding Meeting of the 21st OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum
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The Concluding Meeting of the 21st OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum on “Increasing stability and security: Improving the environmental footprint of energy-related activities in the OSCE region” will take place in Prague on 11 -13 September 2013.
The Economic and Environmental Forum is the main and highest-level annual meeting within the OSCE’s Economic and Environmental Dimension. The Concluding Meeting brings together, every year, more than 350 participants representing governments, civil society, and the business and academic communities from it 57 participating States and from other international organizations in order to strengthen the political dialogue within the OSCE, give political stimulus to economic and environmental issues linked to security, contribute to the elaboration of specific recommendations and follow-up activities to address these challenges. It aims at reinforcing existing partnerships and creating new synergies with interested parties.
The Concluding Meeting of the 21st OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum will build on the results of its two Preparatory Meetings (First Preparatory Meeting, Vienna, 4-5 February 2013, Second Preparatory Meeting, Kyiv, 16-17 April 2013) and will aim to renew and deepen the OSCE’s political commitments and engagement in promoting environmentally sustainable energy management.