Mediterranean Seminar focuses on security, human rights and economic issues
PORTOROZ, 30 October 2000 - The political and military aspects of security, as well as human rights and the economic dimension will be discussed during the annual OSCE Mediterranean Seminar being held in Portoroz, Slovenia this week.
Those participating in the event include representatives of OSCE participating States and Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation (which are currently Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Morocco and Tunisia.)
The conference was officially opened by the Foreign Minister of Slovenia, H.E. Mr. Alojz Peterle. The President of Malta, H.E. Prof. Guido de Marco, delivered a keynote speech. Ambassador Franz Parak, the Representative of the Chairperson-in-Office, the Secretary General of the OSCE, Ambassador Jan Kubis, and the President of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Dr. Adrian Severin, also addressed the delegates.
The seminar consists of a series of moderated discussions. An entire session will be devoted to mutually reinforcing international organizations and their work in the Mediterranean region, including the European Union/Barcelona Process and NATO's Mediterranean Dialogue. Another session will be devoted to the Mediterranean countries' experience with confidence-building measures and the possible relevance of OSCE tools, instruments and mechanisms for the Mediterranean region.
Since the signing of the Helsinki Final Act in 1975, the OSCE has provided a forum for dialogue. This seminar, which also marks 25 years of OSCE relations with Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation, aims to familiarize the partner countries with OSCE structures, thinking and activities.
OSCE Asian Partners for Co-operation (Japan and Korea) as well as a number of international organizations were also invited to attend.
A copy of the seminar agenda is available on the OSCE website at:/ec
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