Warsaw Human Dimension Conference Side Event - Enhancing human rights-based and victim-centred approach to identification of and assistance to victims of human trafficking
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Early and effective identification of victims of trafficking in human beings remains paramount in upholding their rights and ensuring their comprehensive protection and access to assistance.
This Side Event will center on analyzing promising practices and necessary steps to enhance the existing State identification and assistance efforts, and to ensure immediate and unconditional access to protection and long-term assistance for all trafficking victims, including in the context of mixed migration flows and the current humanitarian crisis related to the war against Ukraine.
The session aims to facilitate dialogue on turning promising practices into standard procedures across the OSCE region, ultimately strengthening the protection and support available to victims of human trafficking.
Join us for the live stream using the following link: https://youtube.com/live/EXzyNUD9JcY?feature=share to learn more about the 'social path' of identification promoted by the OSCE as a 'whole of society' approach to victim identification and as an avenue for long-term assistance outside the criminal justice system. Discover the vital work done by ODIHR to help participating States establish National Referral Mechanisms (NRMs) and promote ethical survivor inclusion in all anti-trafficking efforts.