Key elements to effectively combating human trafficking today
- Key elements to effectively combating human trafficking today: technologyNothing has transformed the crime of trafficking in human beings quite like technology. Today, 75% of sex trafficking victims are advertised online, but few countries have rules for tech companies. Join us for the 23rd Alliance Conference, where we will discuss how national leadership can build solutions to end human trafficking.Video Clip
- Key elements to effectively combating human trafficking today: DemandIn the course of you watching this video, 2000 transactions with victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation will have occurred. 2000 victims who could not say no. Reducing demand cuts off the profits of trafficking and prevents it from occurring. But to do that – countries need the right laws and policies in place, including exit strategies for victims. Join us for the 23rd Alliance Conference, where we will discuss how national leadership can build solutions to end human trafficking. Learn more: 23rd Conference of the Alliance against Trafficking in Persons | OSCE.Video Clip