Monaco Minister of Foreign Affairs, OSCE Secretary General sign agreement on project Combating Human Trafficking along Mediterranean Migration Routes

On the margins of the 26th OSCE Ministerial Council in Bratislava, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation of the Principality of Monaco Laurent Anselmi and OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger signed an agreement on 5 December 2019 on Monaco’s support for the OSCE project “Combating Human Trafficking along Mediterranean Migration Routes”.
Secretary General Greminger thanked the Principality of Monaco for its continuous support to the OSCE’s work on combating human trafficking, in particular for the support given to the previous on “Combating Human Trafficking along Migration Routes.”
Throughout the seven simulation-based trainings, the OSCE has successfully trained 529 anti-trafficking practitioners from fifty-five participating States and 7 Partners for Co-operation, ranging from law enforcement officers to prosecutors, labour inspectors, social services providers and civil society among others.
“The methodology used in these simulation-based trainings is innovative and effective”, said Greminger. “Practitioners from different stakeholder groups not only have a unique opportunity to practice and master skills in a safe learning environment and a live-action setting, receive immediate feedback from other professionals, but the training also gives them the opportunity to develop real-life closer collaboration among themselves.”
Minister Anselmi said that supporting the OSCE’s work in combating Human Trafficking is part of Monaco’s wider efforts to take an active part in eradicating this heinous crime. “It is an objective present throughout the Principality’s efforts in all international organizations, but also in Monaco itself,” noted Anselmi.