19th Alliance: Changing the policy landscape: current and future strategic approaches to technology and human trafficking and Closing remarks
21 May 2019
The 19th Alliance against Trafficking in Persons conference focused on how technology can be turned from a liability into an asset in combating trafficking in human beings, Vienna, 8-9 April 2019.
Valiant Richey, Acting OSCE Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings
Petya Nestorova, Executive Secretary, Secretariat of the Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Beings
Halla Gunnarsdóttir, Special Adviser on Gender Equality, Iceland
David Mancini, Prosecutor from the District Anti-Mafia Directorates of L’Aquila, Italy
Chris White, Principal Researcher and Partner, Microsoft
Eric Anderson, Modern Slavery Programme Lead and Senior Consultant, Human and Digital Rights, British Telecom
Closing remarks:
Thomas Greminger, OSCE Secretary General
Valiant Richey, Acting OSCE Co-ordinator for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings