OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration releases its Annual Report 2020
The OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration, based in Geneva, has published its annual report for the year 2020. The report gives an account of the activities undertaken throughout the year.
The highlight of last year’s activities was the intervention of Emmanuel Decaux, President of the Court, at the Permanent Council of the OSCE in February 2020.
The report mentions also the book “Flexibility in International Dispute Settlement – Conciliation Revisited”, co-edited by Professor Christian Tomuschat, member of the current Bureau and former President of the Court. The book was released in August 2020 and presented at a virtual book launch event that took place in November 2020.
Another key activity covered in the report, is the first moot court organized by the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana, an initiative targeted towards the younger generation and future jurists.
The report puts a particular focus on the communication efforts initiated by the current Bureau of the Court, elected in November 2019, to make the Court and its procedures more visible. Finally, the report provides some key information on institutional and financial matters.
The Court of Conciliation and Arbitration provides a set of mechanisms for the peaceful settlement of disputes between States. The Court was established by the Convention of Stockholm, which entered into force on 5 December 1994. To date, 34 States have ratified the Convention.