UN, OSCE and EU envoys for Kyrgyzstan issue statement to mark anniversary of April 2010 events

BISHKEK, 14 April 2011 – Special Representative of the UN Secretary General Miroslav Jenca, Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for Kyrgyzstan Herbert Salber, and EU Special Representative for Central Asia Pierre Morel made the following statement today:
Statement of the UN, OSCE and EU envoys for Kyrgyzstan on the occasion of the first anniversary of the April events
On 14 April 2011, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General Miroslav Jenca, Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office for Kyrgyzstan Herbert Salber and EU Special Representative for Central Asia Pierre Morel visited Bishkek.
They were received by the President Roza Otunbaeva and held meetings with the Vice-Speaker of the Parliament Asilbek Jeenbekov and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ruslan Kazakbaev. They also met with leaders of different political parties, of the Coalition Council and with representatives of the civil society.
They paid tribute to the memory of those whose lives were lost in the events of April 2010. Through bravery and sacrifice, the citizens of Kyrgyzstan have brought to life a new constitution based on the principles of parliamentary democracy. These principles were strengthened through the successful 2010 parliamentary elections. The envoys underlined that the best way to overcome the hardships of the past year and the challenges ahead, is to reinforce the efforts to build an inclusive, democratic, and prosperous country.
The envoys emphasized that the tragic events of June 2010 must be addressed through continued dialogue, tolerance, and reconciliation. They welcomed the work on the Concept of Ethnic Development and Consolidation of Kyrgyzstan’s Society and encouraged all political actors to join the work. The envoys expressed their expectation that the recommendations of the international experts of the Kyrgyzstan Inquiry Commission will contribute to this process.
The envoys of the UN, OSCE, and EU underlined the need to step up efforts by the Parliament and Government to improve the work of state institutions, develop and implement secondary legislation and tackle organized crime and corruption. They underscored that the forthcoming presidential elections constituted an important opportunity to further consolidate democratic institutions and practices in Kyrgyzstan.
The envoys reconfirmed their call for reform of the law enforcement sector through institutional reforms, technical improvements and a new attitude of service to society. They highlighted the importance of international support in this area. In this context, the three envoys commended the continuing contribution of the OSCE-driven Community Security Initiative to achieving these goals. The envoys also emphasized the need to strengthen the judicial system, to ensure its independence, as well as the implementation of laws and the protection of the rights of all citizens, including the right to fair trial and access to justice.
All these challenges can only be tackled if they are backed by well-planned and solidly functioning national fiscal and economic systems. The UN, OSCE and EU envoys encouraged the authorities of Kyrgyzstan to work closely with the relevant international financial institutions, which can guarantee the application of acceptable standards and the accountability of Kyrgyzstan's financial institutions. This will facilitate further direct assistance from the international community to Kyrgyzstan.
The envoys of the UN, OSCE and the EU underlined their readiness to continue support for the people and the Government of Kyrgyzstan.