Tolerance Implementation Meeting on Promoting Inter-Cultural, Inter-Religious and Inter-Ethnic Understanding, Almaty, 12 and 13 June 2006
12 June 2006 (All day)
The OSCE is working to promote cultural, religious and ethnic tolerance throughout its 55 participating States. (OSCE/Alex Nitzsche) Photo details
Conference website
Following a series of annual conferences in the area of promoting tolerance and combating racism, xenophobia, discrimination and anti-Semitism, Ministers at the 2005 Ministerial Council in Ljubljana called for the emphasis in 2006 to be on thematic implementation-focused meetings. Almaty will therefore host the first OSCE Tolerance Implementation Meeting.
Representatives of OSCE participating States, institutions and field operations as well as international and non-governmental organizations are invited to participate. OSCE Asian and Mediterranean Partners for Co-operation will also take part.
Latest news: OSCE Secretary General urges participating States to implement commitments on promoting tolerance