OSCE Chairman De Gucht speaks to the United Nations Security Council
BRUSSELS, 17 January 2006 - The OSCE Chairman in Office, Belgian Foreign Minister Karel De Gucht, has addressed the United Nations Security Council, presenting the main themes of the Belgian OSCE Chairmanship during 2006.
"The assumption of this function by Belgium is a clear demonstration of its commitment to multilateralism and international co operation," said the Minister. "Belgium will seek to establish a better balance between the three dimensions - politico military, economic-environmental and human - of the OSCE's comprehensive approach to security."
The Chairman-in-Office said that "security and stability in Europe remain one of the principal concerns of the OSCE. There cannot be democracy without stability. Conversely, peace and security are contingent on respect for democracy, civil liberties and human rights. There cannot be lasting stability without economic development."
The Belgian Chairmanship will also focus on combating international crime and promoting the rule of law. "Alongside terrorism, transnational crime is one of the most serious new threats for our societies. The extent of this threat was recognized in the outcome declaration of the United Nations Summit in September 2005. It is also a problem that concerns our citizens."
Belgium will contribute to conflict prevention and crisis management, particularly in Kosovo and in the frozen conflicts affecting Moldova Transdniestria, Nagorno Karabakh and Georgia South Ossetia.
Minister De Gucht said that the OSCE as such had neither the authority nor the means to impose a solution. It did, by contrast, have the task of providing a framework and facilitating the emergence of a solution provided that there was a genuine willingness to negotiate on the part of the principal parties concerned.
The question of Kosovo would be a particular focus of the Belgian Chairmanship.
"Intensified dialogue and close co operation between the United Nations, the European Union, the OSCE, NATO and other principal actors will be indispensable to Kosovo's future," said the Minister.