OSCE Chairperson-in-Office Steinmeier stresses importance of ODIHR’s work during visit to headquarters in Warsaw

WARSAW, 19 April 2016 – The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, German Foreign Minister Frank Walter Steinmeier, today visited the headquarters of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), in the context of the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the Office.
Chairperson-in-Office Steinmeier, who was joined for the visit by Witold Waszczykowski, Foreign Minister of Poland, met with ODIHR Director Michael Georg Link, before addressing guests and ODIHR Staff. In his address, he highlighted the background to the decision for the establishment of ODIHR in Warsaw, while stressing the continued importance of the Office’s work.
“The first democratic elections in 1989 in Poland marked the start of great change in Europe. It was not by coincidence that Warsaw was chosen as the seat of ODIHR – with this the OSCE paid tribute to the important role of the first Polish non-communist government since 1947 in the democratic re-shaping of Europe,” the German Foreign Minister said. “Today, 25 years later, I am in Warsaw to commend ODIHR, with its team of 150 people from 34 OSCE states, for its outstanding work: You are the chief promoters and defenders of the OSCE’s principles and commitments in the Human Dimension.”
“This task is never easy – it builds on your dedication to human rights and fundamental freedoms, it requires a reliable budget and it deserves the full support of all OSCE participating States,” he added. “ODIHR can count on Germany’s commitment, as OSCE Chairmanship, but also beyond.”
Director Link took the opportunity to express his thanks to both guests for their countries’ support for the Office.
“Over the past 25 years, ODIHR has grown into the OSCE’s principal human rights body, and this work is more important today than ever,” he said. “We are grateful for our host country’s continued support and appreciate the Chairperson-in-Office’s commitment to ODIHR and its mandate to promote human rights and democracy throughout the OSCE region.”
“ODIHR plays a major role not only in the process of monitoring human rights, but also in providing assistance with the implementation of commitments undertaken in the OSCE area,” said Polish Foreign Minister Waszczykowski. “ODIHR is an institution that truly makes a difference and, therefore, we fully support the work of every member of its highly devoted team.”
ODIHR was established in 1991 – originally as the OSCE Office for Free Elections – by a decision of OSCE heads of state and government at the Paris Summit in November of the previous year. The name was changed to its current form and its mandate significantly expanded in 1992, to providing assistance to governments and civil society in OSCE participating States in improving democratic governance, guaranteeing human rights and fundamental freedoms, and promoting tolerance and non-discrimination.