Young people convey their perspectives for a safer future to Chairperson-in-Office Lajčák and Albanian 2020 Chair at the OSCE Ministerial Council

BRATISLAVA, 6 December 2019 – On the margins of the 26th Ministerial Council, the Slovak Chair, its Special Representatives on Youth and Security, Spain and Albania, supported by the OSCE, organized an event on young voices for a safer future in Bratislava.
Young people from across the OSCE area, together with participants of the OSCE Ministerial Council, including government officials, media and civil society representatives, and Youth Focal Points from OSCE Executive Structures participated in a lively debate on how to strengthen the OSCE’s work with young people. Participants exchanged views on the outcomes of the OSCE-wide Youth Forum in Bratislava, held on 28 and 29 October as the flagship event of the OSCE Perspectives 20-30 initiative, and explored options and initiatives for 2020 and beyond, giving a first glance into initiatives of the incoming Albanian Chair.
Speaking at the closing of the event, the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Miroslav Lajčák, stated: “When speaking about a safer future, both the OSCE and us — its participating States — need to be looking at the horizon, and pre-empting the threats that could come tomorrow.”
Addressing the participants directly he said: “Your energy, ideas, and research can help this along. You can broaden our perspectives.”
Throughout 2019, the Slovak Chairmanship was dedicated to engaging young women and men for a safer future by advancing the implementation of the Youth, Peace and Security (YPS) agenda, including United Nations Security Council resolutions 2250 (2015) and 2419 (2018) and, in particular, the Milan 2018 Ministerial Council Declaration on the Role of Youth in Contribution to Peace and Security Efforts.
OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger said: “Many believe, and I concur, that including voices of young women and men into our work is crucial to address security challenges in a more inclusive way”.
Fernando Martín Valenzuela Marzo, the Secretary of State, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs European Union and Cooperation of Spain, stated that with 38% of its population composed of youth, the OSCE is well placed to contribute to the global and regional implementation of the Youth Peace and Security Agenda, as well as of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In this context, the OSCE Group of Friends on Youth and Security, chaired by Spain, has continued to provide a unique platform for dialogue on topical issues related to youth and security among participating States, including by offering insights and best practices from the field, as well as ideas and recommendations outlined in the OSCE’s Framework to Strengthen OSCE Efforts on Youth and Security.
Strong partnerships among international organizations, participating States and civil society remain the key to advancing sustainable peace and security efforts. The voices of young women and men can enrich the understanding of the OSCE and its participating States on how to address growing security challenges in a more inclusive and effective way.
The Chair’s Special Representatives on Youth and Security, Alba Brojka and Samuel Goda, stressed that it is important to include ideas, views and expertise of young people in discussions on issues that impact their future.
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