Innovation and human capital development are key to making the digital transition and an opportunity for all, say participants at OSCE Forum in Prague

PRAGUE, 5 September 2018- Harnessing the opportunities of the digital transition while curbing its negative security implications through human capital development, is the focus of this year’s OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum which opened today in Prague.
In the next two days, participants will discuss how to achieve economic progress and security in the OSCE area, one of the priorities of the Italians Chairmanship, through innovation, human capital development and good public and corporate governance.
Representing the 2018 OSCE Italian Chairperson-in-Office, Guglielmo Picchi, the Italian Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation said that the technological revolution is producing significant changes in all sectors, modifying, in particular, the nature of work itself and the basic skills needed to access labour markets.
“The impact of the ongoing digital transformation on security and co-operation in the OSCE area is still uncertain and full of contradictions. However, there is no doubt that this is a transformation that goes beyond national borders and is already having an influence on the social and economic dynamics of our countries,” said Picchi.
Opening the Forum, the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Czech Republic, Tomáš Petříček, said the effect of digitalization on stability and security, economic development and the labour market, good governance and transparency is indisputable. “New business models are changing rules in areas ranging from science to the provision of public services, including healthcare,” said Petříček.
Petříček added that digital applications in a shared economy redefine access to financing and provide entrepreneurs with new business opportunities. “The digital world has far-reaching implications for those who fail to adapt,” he said.
Senior government officials, experts from academia and NGOs and representatives of international organizations will discuss policies that could to foster a solid business climate, aiming at encouraging the full development of human capital, promoting the fight against corruption and the improvement of transparency.
Vuk Žugić, Co-coordinator of OSCE Economic and Environmental Activities, said that the outcome of this transformation is still uncertain. “There is no doubt that it is a global phenomenon that, going beyond national borders, requires collective action and close collaboration among the 57 OSCE participating States.”
Žugić said that one of the most disruptive consequences of technology could be the impact on work: “There is a strong need to re-think corporate governance as well as public-private partnerships to steward a technological transformation that is fair and leaves no one behind.”
Roberto Viola, the European Commission Director General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology said that the European Union is pursuing an ambitious plan, the Digital Single Market strategy, to make sure that Europe is in the best possible position to attract investments, foster creativity and innovation, provide top-class public services and protect citizens.
“Digital is part of a positive agenda, where we can deliver rapid, demonstrable and easy to understand benefits to European citizens,” said Viola.
OSCE Secretary General Thomas Greminger and Ambassador Vinicio Mati, 2018 Italian Chairmanship Co-ordinator, will present concluding remarks on Friday, 7 September.