Barriers to freedom of movement, missing persons, water provision in focus at Geneva International Discussions co-chaired by Ukraine
GENEVA, 26 June 2013 – Addressing the negative impact of fencing activities along the Administrative Boundary Line was the main topic which dominated the deliberations of the 24th meeting of the Geneva International Discussions today co-chaired by the OSCE Chair’s Special Representative for conflicts, Ambassador Andrii Deshchytsia.
The Geneva International Discussions address the consequences of the 2008 conflict in Georgia; other co-chairs are the EU Special Representative, Philippe Lefort, and the UN Representative, Antti Turunen.
Deshchytsia recalled that during the recent visit to Georgia by the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office a number of issues were discussed focusing on the OSCE agenda with particular attention to the Geneva process. The OSCE Chairperson-in-Office, Minister Leonid Kozhara expressed concern over the process of erecting fences along the Administrative Boundary Line, which creates serious obstacles for the freedom of movement of the local population.
Deshchytsia welcomed a commitment on behalf of all concerned to address the issue of missing persons. He referred to a meeting between Georgia’s Chief Prosecutor and the families of three missing South Ossetians, whose cases had been reopened. The meeting took place on 30 May and was facilitated by the OSCE Chairmanship.
The Special Representative welcomed the fact the OSCE-implemented and EU-funded water project in Zonkari was nearly completed, with the gates of the Zonkari Dam fully functioning, and stressed the need to appoint a responsible operator on the South Ossetian side to manage and maintain the site.
The participants agreed to hold the next round of the Geneva International Discussions on 15-16 October.