OSCE promotes measures to prevent gender-based violence in Turkmenistan

The last in a series of OSCE-supported three-day seminars on ethics and psychology of family relations, which focused on gender roles, gender relations and domestic violence, concluded on 1 December 2023.
Whereas the first seminar took place in October and targeted youth representatives, the second one was held in early November and brought together representatives of general public and the concluding event was attended by representatives of government bodies.
The series of seminars aimed to increase the participants' awareness in the field of preventing and combating domestic violence, as well as discuss practical cases, referral mechanisms available to potential victims and exchange practices.
Trainers from the public organization “Keyik Okara” exposed participants to the ongoing changes in gender roles and gender relations in society and presented the concepts of violence and gender-based violence, its forms, types and causes.
“Gender-based violence is a serious obstacle to progress towards equality, development and peace, as well as ensuring the rights of women and girls,” said Rune Castberg, Officer-in-Charge of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat.
“It has become a good practice to hold such seminars for different audiences, including representatives of youth, female community and law-enforcement bodies, and it is symbolic that the concluding seminar took place during 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence.”
The seminars addressed specific characteristics of domestic violence and its consequences for victims, members of their families and society. As part of practical exercises, participants conducted a gender analysis of cases of domestic violence and engaged in lively discussions on the factors contributing to the persistence of domestic violence in modern society.
The events also discussed legislative aspects of countering domestic violence and existing mechanisms for the protection of women's rights.