OSCE seminar discusses development of small and medium enterprises in the field of agriculture in Turkmenistan

An OSCE-organized two-day seminar on the development of small and medium enterprises (SMES) in the field of agriculture took place on 8 and 9 November 2023 in Ashgabat.
The event addressed the role of SMEs in the rural development and ensuring food security and highlighted best practices of the OSCE participating States in the introduction of measures and instruments to support agricultural business.
An international expert facilitated discussions on how to promote the development of SMEs in the field of agriculture taking into account its differences from other sectors and shared success stories of the OSCE participating States. Particular attention was paid to E-business and e-commerce tools and the role of women in the agricultural business.
“The OSCE participating States attach great importance to sustaining and further promoting economic connectivity, which requires, inter alia, improved business environment and human capital development, including development of SMEs and promoting women’s economic empowerment,” said William Leaf, Acting Economic and Environmental Officer of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat.
“Furthermore, SMEs could be the biggest source of domestic employment, providing a livelihood for the significant part of the country’s workforce, especially for life in rural areas.”
The seminar brought together representatives from the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Relations, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Finance and Economy of Turkmenistan, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population, Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, State Institute of Agriculture, commercial banks and other relevant institutions, as well as the Women's Union, Youth Organization and Nature Protection Society of Turkmenistan.
The seminar was organized to contribute to the further elaboration of policies governing the development of the SMEs, introduction of know-how tools for the consequent agricultural business development and promotion of women’s economic empowerment.