Port management and maritime logistics in focus of OSCE seminar in Turkmenistan

Representatives of the Turkmenbashi International Seaport, the Agency for Sea and River Transport, ‘Turmendenizderyayollary’, and other relevant ministries and agencies discussed international standards in port management and maritime logistics at an OSCE-organized online seminar held in Ashgabat from 30 to 31 August 2021.
The OSCE Centre in Ashgabat organized the event to share OSCE best practices and lessons learned in ensuring effective port administration, maintaining regular and timely freight, and promoting ‘green standards’ in port operations.
In his opening statement, William Leaf, Officer-in-Charge of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat, said that: “The International Seaport in Turkmenbashi is an important link within the maritime transport system of Central Asia and, performing the functions of the large transit hub in the Eurasian region, is of great geopolitical importance”.
Referring to the 2016 Hamburg OSCE Ministerial Council Decision on Strengthening Good Governance and Promoting Connectivity, Leaf added: “Regional economic connectivity could be enhanced through facilitation of trade and transport measures as well as "strengthening good governance, promoting border-crossing facilitation and fostering business interaction” at different levels.
Three high-ranking maritime officials from the Russian Federation introduced participants to the organizational structure of the services of port captains, considered issues of systemic management of the port complex’s environmental safety and elaborated on best practices in the implementation of adequate oil spill response measures.
The project supported the national participation of Turkmenistan in the OSCE Extra-Budgetary Project “Promoting Green Ports and Connectivity in the Caspian Sea Region”.