OSCE event discusses development of national environmental protection and monitoring system in Turkmenistan
An OSCE-organized seminar on issues of environmental protection system development, held on 17 and 18 June 2021 in Ashgabat, brought together representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, National Institute of Deserts, Flora and Fauna, Society of Nature Protection and other relevant state agencies and non-governmental structures.
The seminar aimed to provide insights into international best practices in establishing an environmental protection and monitoring system and to discuss possible steps for developing relevant policies and strategies in the area.
Two international experts from Montenegro and Switzerland shared OSCE participating States experiences on a comprehensive approach to the environmental protection strategizing process, starting from developing through implementing to monitoring. The seminar addressed principles and targets of an environmental policy and sustainable development and mechanisms for harmonization of ecologic, legal and administrative backgrounds. Internationally recognized relevant processes, such as the Strategic Environmental Assessment and the Environmental Impact Assessment, were also discussed.
In his opening speech, William Leaf, Officer in Charge of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat, stressed the importance of adequate environmental protection response measures due to the rapid industrial and technological progress. Referring to the OSCE Madrid Declaration on Environment and Security 2007, Leaf emphasized commitments of the OSCE participating States to “improve environmental governance, inter alia, by strengthening the sustainable management of natural resources, especially water, soil, forests and biodiversity. This seminar is a direct continuation of the work of the OSCE Centre in Ashgabat in development of environmental protection and monitoring systems.”
This seminar marks a successful co-operation between the Centre and the government of Turkmenistan in addressing environmental issues in line with the best practices of the OSCE region. The seminar was held as part of the Centre’s project “Strengthening co-operation with the host country in the area of environmental good governance and ecological security”.