Bureau members meet in Geneva to promote use of OSCE Court
The Members of the Bureau of the OSCE Court of Conciliation and Arbitration met on 19 May 2011 in Geneva. This general assembly was followed by a presentation and consultation session with representatives of States Parties of the Convention on Conciliation and Arbitration in Geneva.
Participants at the meeting, the first ever held in Geneva, heard about the conciliation and arbitration procedures, as well as the legal assistance services provided by the Court. Lucius Caflisch, a member of the Bureau, recalled that the Court was set up to enable States to prevent and settle disputes rapidly, discreetly and with little outlay. He emphasized the high level of qualifications and international experience of the appointed conciliators and arbitrators.
Permanent Representatives and Delegates of Permanent Missions in Geneva were given the opportunity to consult the Bureau members on individual questions.