International Human Rights Day focuses on rule of law
BISHKEK 10 December 2002
BISHKEK, 10 December 2002 - The OSCE Centre in Bishkek is today commemorating International Human Rights Day, celebrated on 10 December. 10 December 1948 marks the adoption by the General Assembly of the United Nations of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The special focus for this year's International Human Rights Day is on the rule of law. Obeying the supremacy of the law, eliminating arbitrariness, providing equality and non-discrimination, and the independence of judges are cornerstones of the rule of law. The best way to deal with conflicts and avoid violence is to abide by the rule of law.
Having signed the OSCE Copenhagen Document, which is the basic document on human rights in the OSCE area, all OSCE participating States have committed themselves to these principles. It is one of the OSCE's main tasks today to convince its its participating States that observing the rule of law is a crucial step to resolving conflicts in a peaceful way.. Even if many obstacles have to be faced and to be overcome, there is no alternative if countries do not wish to face anarchy. Everyone has to work within a legal framework to ensure the rule of law.
The special focus for this year's International Human Rights Day is on the rule of law. Obeying the supremacy of the law, eliminating arbitrariness, providing equality and non-discrimination, and the independence of judges are cornerstones of the rule of law. The best way to deal with conflicts and avoid violence is to abide by the rule of law.
Having signed the OSCE Copenhagen Document, which is the basic document on human rights in the OSCE area, all OSCE participating States have committed themselves to these principles. It is one of the OSCE's main tasks today to convince its its participating States that observing the rule of law is a crucial step to resolving conflicts in a peaceful way.. Even if many obstacles have to be faced and to be overcome, there is no alternative if countries do not wish to face anarchy. Everyone has to work within a legal framework to ensure the rule of law.