OSCE Centre in Bishkek supports Women’s Leadership School in Batken
Some 30 female candidates who will be standing for election to the local councils in the Batken and Osh provinces in southern Kyrgyzstan in November 2016 as well as civil society and media representatives are participating in the OSCE-supported Women’s Leadership School, which started on 23 August in Batken. The training course is organized in co-operation with the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the NGO Women’s Support Centre.
The five-day training course is designed to raise women’s awareness of the electoral process, build the capacity of female candidates and provide them with legal support and mentoring. The training is focusing on the election system and legislation, women’s leadership, strategic planning, political pre-election platforms of the candidates and campaigning.
Enhancing women’s participation in local elections is an essential step in building a democratic society and achieving sustainable development. “Ensuring balanced representation and gender equality is one of the key objectives of the OSCE,” says Diana Digol, Institution Building Officer at the OSCE Centre in Bishkek. “Women must have equal chances to serve in local and national elected positions at all levels. This training will prepare female candidates to run a successful electoral campaign by equipping them with the necessary knowledge to better understand the electoral and legislation systems,” she says.
“We hope that the female participants in the Leadership School will improve their knowledge and skills in the electoral system, which will help them to participate in the forthcoming local elections in Kyrgyzstan,” says Gulai Tashieva, a teacher from the village of Mady in Osh region who is a candidate for the local elections.
The Women’s Leadership School is organized as part of the OSCE Centre’s project on strengthening democratic governance in Kyrgyzstan.