Conference on Strengthening Regional Co-operation, Criminal-Justice Institutions and Rule-of-Law Capacities to Prevent and Combat Terrorism and Radicalization That Leads to Terrorism
12 November 2012 (All day) - 13 November 2012 (All day)
Vienna, Austria
Organized by
OSCE Secretariat's Transnational Threats Department/Action against Terrorism Unit
The conference’s primary goal is to encourage efforts aimed at increasing international capacity to uphold the rule of law while protecting and promoting human rights within a counter-terrorism context by instituting adequate criminal offences, criminal-procedure tools and law-enforcement capacities.
Participants will aim to identify ways to streamline international assistance efforts that promote effective and rule-of-law-based national criminal-justice systems as part of efforts aimed at preventing terrorism, to determine how the OSCE can further contribute to such efforts, and to find ways to enhance regional capacity in this area in general.