OSCE Centre in Astana promotes regional confidence- and security-building measures
ALMATY, 16 July 2007 - Implementing confidence- and security-building measures in compliance with the Vienna Document 1999 is the main topic of a regional training course that began in Almaty today.
The five-day event, organized by the OSCE Centre in Astana and the Kazakh Defence Ministry, brought together military officials from Central Asia and the South Caucasus, as well as arms control experts from Belarus, France and Germany. The course will focus on military information exchange and review activities aimed at fostering regional security co-operation, and strengthening the implementation of confidence-building measures.
"The Vienna Document 1999 is a solid basis for addressing modern threats and challenges to regional security and stability. In this respect, regional co-operation can bring an added value to the process of full implementation of the relevant commitments by the participating States," said Ambassador Ivar Vikki, Head of the OSCE Centre.
The training course follows up on a series of similar events organized by the OSCE Centre in co-operation with the Kazakh Defence Ministry within the framework of the Regional Arms Control Centre, a training facility situated in Almaty.