OSCE Centre helps train Turkmenistan officers in community policing
ASHGABAD, 29 May 2007 - Six police officials from Turkmenistan recently concluded a week-long course in community policing principles organized by the OSCE Centre in Ashgabad and Turkmenistan's Foreign Ministry at the Turkish Police Academy in Ankara.
"The concept of community policing implies considerable commitment by both the police and the public," said Dieter Matthei, the OSCE Centre's Political Officer. "Police officers, who are often not used to working closely with the community, are challenged to find new methods of work to restore people's confidence in the police. In addition, communities themselves have to be ready to co-operate with police."
Participants from police stations and crime investigation offices discussed the philosophy and basic principles of community policing, police ethics and police accountability. The Turkish Police Academy presented the Turkish community policing concept and demonstrated how community policing strategies can be used to prevent juvenile delinquency.
A similar course was held last year. The courses were part of the OSCE Centre's support for capacity-building of Turkmenistan's police.