OSCE Centre helps Turkmenistan train law-enforcement officials in border management
ASHGABAD, 11 December 2006 - Practical border management was the focus of a course organized by the OSCE Centre in Ashgabad and Turkmenistan's Foreign Ministry.
The 22 participants from Turkmenistan's State Border, Customs and Registration of Foreign Citizens Services, the Armed Forces and the Military Prosecutor's Office learned about principles, strategies and best practices for promoting free and secure cross-border movement of persons, goods, services and investments during the course.
The training sessions were held in the cities of Turkmenbashi, on the Caspian Sea, and Turkmenabat, near the border with Uzbekistan. The course, which ended Saturday, included visits to Turkmenbashi's airport and sea port, and to the Farap border crossing point.
"Border management is associated with protecting, guarding and strengthening country's borders. However, efficient border management also implies, somewhat paradoxically, openness. Modern borders should not simply divide nations, but rather bring them closer together" said Senol Arslan, Director of the Turkish Interior Ministry's Integrated Border Management Project, one of the experts holding training sessions during the course.
The course was part of the OSCE Centre's long-term programme "Border Security and Border Management," which began in 2002.