OSCE Presence welcomes electoral reform agreements signed between Socialists and Democrats
TIRANA 20 May 2003

(OSCE)OSCE Presence in Albania representative
and the Albanian Bi-partisan Committee
leaders present findings of the
OSCE/ODIHR roundtable on civil and
voter registration in Albania, Tirana,
3 December 2002. (OSCE) Photo details
TIRANA, 20 May 2003 - A second, clarifying protocol agreement on the remaining issues related to electoral reform in Albania has been signed by the Socialist and Democratic Parties at the offices of the OSCE Presence in Albania.
Complementing an earlier agreement signed last week, this second agreement commits the parties to addressing the longer-term electoral reform issues prior to the next parliamentary elections and to ensuring that the entire reform package is presented jointly to the Assembly.
"The OSCE believes that the two Protocols signed over the last week provide the grounds for presenting a consensual packet of amendments on the Electoral Code to the Assembly. We urge all parliamentary parties to co-operate to assure timely passage into legislation," said the Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania, Ambassador Osmo Lipponen.
He welcomed especially the parts of the agreements related to the parliamentary elections, which complements the success of the Bipartisan Committee on Electoral Reform. The Protocol states that "with the implementation of this agreement in a timely manner the parties consider the work of the Bipartisan Committee completed".
The former co-chairs of the Bipartisan Committee, representing the Socialist and Democratic Parties, agreed to remove the second round of voting and declared that discussions on changes to the electoral system will continue under the auspices of the President of the Republic with OSCE assistance and expertise.
The agreement also stated that the criteria for defining electoral zone boundaries would be revised as part of the current reform, while a complete review of zone boundaries would be undertaken before the next parliamentary elections. An amendment to address the problem of pseudo-independent candidates was also agreed and a commitment was made to reviewing the Law on Political Parties to increase the transparency of campaign financing prior to the next parliamentary elections.
Complementing an earlier agreement signed last week, this second agreement commits the parties to addressing the longer-term electoral reform issues prior to the next parliamentary elections and to ensuring that the entire reform package is presented jointly to the Assembly.
"The OSCE believes that the two Protocols signed over the last week provide the grounds for presenting a consensual packet of amendments on the Electoral Code to the Assembly. We urge all parliamentary parties to co-operate to assure timely passage into legislation," said the Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania, Ambassador Osmo Lipponen.
He welcomed especially the parts of the agreements related to the parliamentary elections, which complements the success of the Bipartisan Committee on Electoral Reform. The Protocol states that "with the implementation of this agreement in a timely manner the parties consider the work of the Bipartisan Committee completed".
The former co-chairs of the Bipartisan Committee, representing the Socialist and Democratic Parties, agreed to remove the second round of voting and declared that discussions on changes to the electoral system will continue under the auspices of the President of the Republic with OSCE assistance and expertise.
The agreement also stated that the criteria for defining electoral zone boundaries would be revised as part of the current reform, while a complete review of zone boundaries would be undertaken before the next parliamentary elections. An amendment to address the problem of pseudo-independent candidates was also agreed and a commitment was made to reviewing the Law on Political Parties to increase the transparency of campaign financing prior to the next parliamentary elections.