OSCE urges Albania's parliamentary election committee to agree on reform package by end of March
VIENNA 7 February 2003

The OSCE commended the work of the Bipartisan Committee of the Albanian Parliament. (Eric Filipink/OSCE) Photo details
VIENNA, 7 February 2003 - The OSCE Presence in Albania and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) commended the work of the Bipartisan Committee of the Albanian Parliament, which was set up after the contested 2001 ballot to improve the country's election laws in line with ODIHR recommendations.
At a meeting in Vienna yesterday, the two OSCE offices, supported by key delegations represented at the OSCE's Permanent Council, also urged the Committee to redouble their efforts to reach agreement on outstanding issues before the mandate of the body expires at the end of March.
"We value highly Albania's achievements in the difficult task of electoral reform through a consensual process", said Ambassador Osmo Lipponen, the Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania. "It is in Albania's national interest that this work now be completed successfully by the end of next month."
"Every effort must be made in the remaining weeks to agree on a package of draft amendments so that preparations can begin for the up-coming local elections" said Hrair Balian, Head of the ODIHR Election Section.
At the meeting of the Permanent Council, the OSCE's main decision-making body, delegations praised the Committee's work as important testimony to the new political climate in the country. It was stressed that an Electoral Code accepted by all parties is a precondition for uncontested elections and stability. The Committee was urged to make full use of the OSCE Presence's facilitation and ODIHR's technical assistance in order to complete draft amendments well ahead of the local elections scheduled for October 2003.
At a meeting in Vienna yesterday, the two OSCE offices, supported by key delegations represented at the OSCE's Permanent Council, also urged the Committee to redouble their efforts to reach agreement on outstanding issues before the mandate of the body expires at the end of March.
"We value highly Albania's achievements in the difficult task of electoral reform through a consensual process", said Ambassador Osmo Lipponen, the Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania. "It is in Albania's national interest that this work now be completed successfully by the end of next month."
"Every effort must be made in the remaining weeks to agree on a package of draft amendments so that preparations can begin for the up-coming local elections" said Hrair Balian, Head of the ODIHR Election Section.
At the meeting of the Permanent Council, the OSCE's main decision-making body, delegations praised the Committee's work as important testimony to the new political climate in the country. It was stressed that an Electoral Code accepted by all parties is a precondition for uncontested elections and stability. The Committee was urged to make full use of the OSCE Presence's facilitation and ODIHR's technical assistance in order to complete draft amendments well ahead of the local elections scheduled for October 2003.