Copyright Policy
The Content of the OSCE websites or its related pages is owned or licensed by the OSCE, subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights under applicable law.
Are you permitted to use OSCE branding?
The OSCE’s name and emblem in all official languages of the Organization are the exclusive property of the OSCE and are protected under Article 6ter of the “Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property”. They may not be copied, reproduced, displayed or used without the express, prior written permission of the OSCE.
Under what conditions may you use OSCE content?
Written content owned by the OSCE may be used freely for personal or educational purposes, under the condition that the OSCE is informed and appropriately credited (see below). For all other purposes, content may not be reproduced, copied, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, sold, licensed, or exploited in any way without the express prior written permission of the OSCE. For any use of content that is licensed by the OSCE, permission of the owner of the copyright of such content is to be sought. For the use of photographs, infographics or other visual artwork please read the visual artwork section below.
You obtained written permission to use OSCE Content. How do you credit the OSCE?
For written content, the OSCE, the publication, page, and the author of the originating text must be cited. For the use of photographs, infographics or other visual artwork please read the visual artwork section below.
Is there a dedicated copyright policy for photographs, infographics or other visual artwork?
All photographs, infographics or other visual artwork (collectively known as “Visuals”) unless expressly credited otherwise, are the sole property of the OSCE and are subject to copyright.
For Visuals that are credited to the OSCE, the OSCE hereby grants you permission to reproduce and/or distribute them without charge under the terms and conditions of a Creative Commons Attribution - No Derivative Works license, available at When reproducing and/or distributing such Visuals, you must credit both the OSCE and, if applicable, the photographer/creator in the following manner: OSCE/photographers or creators name.
For Visuals that are not credited to the OSCE, you must seek permission to reproduce them from the original photographer, creator or agency, as shown in the credits.